~Let’s Study America~

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Meta-Favorite Post

After looking back at my blogs from this year, something that I've noticed is the difference in quality of the posts that were inspired from a personal experience of mine, and the posts that weren't. It is probably not hard to guess that the posts inspired from my experiences were the higher quality of the two. This is why my post titled, "Pressured by the Press,"  which  is about the news coverage of the NATO protest, is one of my favorites from fourth quarter.

The idea for this post originated before I sat down at my computer. This made it a more enjoyable writing experience compared to the posts which I began by searching around online for a topic to write about. Not to mention it was less time consuming because I already had an idea of the point I wanted to make. My points are also infused with more passion as can be seen at the end of the third paragraph in which I voice an inner monologue. Along with passion there is more clarity. 

I think that clarity of the posts help determine whether or not someone will comment on it. This is why I was not surprised when I looked back at my post "More Celebrity Help," and saw that it had no comments on it, as it was one of those posts in which I had found after searching my computer, and was consequently not as clear as posts such as "Pressured by the Press-" in which I did receive a comment. A comment in which Leah suggests the media took a "safe angle" while covering the protests, which was point I was trying to portray. Because of this comment I know that my post was clear in portraying my idea (even if it is only to one person).

Blogging this year has really helped me realize that writing about something that has inspired you will result a more positive writing experience as well as a higher quality writing. Although these may seem to be obvious correlations, the latter of the two was not apparent to me before this year.

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