~Let’s Study America~

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Occupy What Street?

"We are the 99%" a phrase that every American, even kids my age, recognize and associate with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Although very familiar with the idea of these protests, I think a lot of students (including myself) don't know the details behind the movement. Why exactly was Occupy Wall Street started? Who composes the one percent?

The website OccupyWallStreet says that the point of the movement is to challenge "the richest 1% of people that are writing the rules of an unfair global economy that is foreclosing on our future." According to this CNN article, in 2009 if you had an average income of $343,927 or above, you were considered to be in this top 1%

I had always believed that it took a much higher income to make the 1%. My estimated number was closer to a million dollars. Knowing that the average income of Winnetka residents is well above $200,000, I now think that it is not unlikely that many families living in this area qualify for the top 1%.

My preconceived judgment shows the lack of knowledge there is about the Occupy movement among students. About something that has even begun to take place within a half hour of our homes. Occupy Chicago has been going on for a few months now. We should be more informed about these protests, being that they are occurring so close to us. How informed are you?

In order to help spread awareness, my friend is actually working on a documentary about Occupy Wall Street. Watch the preview and see footage of Occupy Chicago here

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