All four of my main classes this year require me to use my computer on a weekly, if not daily basis. Whether I am blogging, accessing an online textbook, checking solutions on blackboard, or completing an online homework assignment through "Webassign," I am spending a good chunk of my after-school-academic-time staring at a computer screen.
So yes, I do see the benefits of having students do online schoolwork. However, call me old-fashioned, but I can't help but wonder how healthy all this screen time is for us. Screen time meaning time spent using a device such as a computer, television, phone, ipod, gaming system...etc. Disregarding school related usage, I probably use four of those five devices multiple times throughout each day, which I don't think is uncommon for any American teenager. This means that on top of all that, we will spend even more time staring at screens to complete our schoolwork.
This is why I am conflicted. I know that students can benefit from doing schoolwork online, but I also know that it can't be healthy to have such a large amount of screen time. What possible solutions are there to this issue? Is it the school's responsibility to help discourage screen time?
I don't necessarily think that the schools are the ones responsible for decreasing the amount of screen time teenagers have. We live in such a digital age now that being able to effectively use digital media is almost vital to being successful. I do agree that it is unhealthy to spend large amounts of time in front of a screen. However, I think that the responsibility lies in the individual to maximize the amount of work done in front of screens and to minimize the amount of time spent in front of them. By doing that, one can achieve a healthy balance between success and screen time.