Sandra Fluke, a student at Georgetown University, has been trying to persuade the administration for the past three years that birth control should be included in religious institutions' health insurance plans for students. This, of course, caused a big controversy because many believe that this would be violating Freedom of Religion, being that certain religions are against the use of contraceptives or pre-marital sex. Part of Fluke's argument included that a number of women use birth control for medical reasons, such as preventing ovarian cysts.
More info and Limbaugh's message to "Feminazis" can be viewed HERE |
Upon hearing Limbaugh's argument I was immediately reminded of our recent class discussion about fallacies. His claims are teeming with hasty generalizations as well as ad hominem (when one attacks the arguer rather than the argument). It is not a logical assumption that because Fluke thinks religious institutions' insurance plans should cover contraception, she must sleep around. It also certainly does not advance his argument to dub his opponent a "slut." Sadly for Limbaugh, I believe he is only weakening his own credibility by stating such absurdities and becoming a victim of his own demise.
Well said!